Due to unforeseen circumstances (or foreseen. . .either one). Undecisive queen rules again! I have decided to leave Beijing. I mentioned that Ottawa and Beijing have many similarities. Another one is weather. I have done it before so why am I putting myself through with living in the cold again. Thus- I will travel south for the winter.
I'm eating too much for my own good. The food here is yummy, unhealthy and come in huge portions. Why do I like food so much? Thighs are taking on the circumfrence of redwood tree stumps. . .
Number of Bridget Jones' thoughts: approximately 33.4/day. v. bad, but thighs are probably twice hers and. . .ack!
What I miss: pho, miso gravy fries at the Naam, dim sum, sushi (why is it all food!!!), oh yeah, Garibaldi lake, snowboarding, the Chief.