Saturday, August 10, 2002

Exactly one more month till I arrive in China. . .not panicky but I feel I should be. Still have to find out about logistics to make it seem like a reality I guess.

I feel like Daniel from Microserfs by Douglas Coupland. Not the fact that he is a "thin fat person" but it's SUCH an awfully good book. V. amusing, but sadly I only have a couple more chapters to go. I think I should write the entries like he does, typing words at random and making random entries just words without vowels or consonants. The book has inspired me to persue a new career: one of a techno geek! haha. Not a techno saavyist by trade, I believe I can train hard and find all that potential computer knowledge deeply engrained within absent or else very hidden cortex muscles. So much for my previous dream of becoming a luddite living in recluse!!!

Was asked what I wanted to do before I leave Vancouver. Don't know. I'm so happy this summer already. Vancouver is definitely the best city by far! Do and do not know why I am leaving all at the same time. . .

W s sk d wh t w nt d t d b f r l v V nc v r.
a a e a I a e o o e o e I ea e a ou e .
hee hee :)

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